It’s almost that time when the holidays are at an end, and the kids go back to school.
It can be both exciting and overwhelming for families navigating this new year transition, so, to help, we at Pretty Little Designs have put together our top five back-to-school tips for parents, from knowing how to organise the school bag to setting up a planner.

1. Stock Up on School Supplies

With the back-to-school rush comes the school supply list. From pens and pencils to notebooks and lunchboxes, a wide variety of products must be prepared for children going back to school.

One of the best back-to-school tips for parents to get ahead of the rush is to stock up on these school supplies early. Fortunately, most school supplies are staples and can be accumulated over time, ready for the new year. This allows parents to take their time building up a stock and finding the right supplies to suit their child and their budget.

2. Use a Daily Planner to Organise the Family when Going Back to School

The transition from relaxed holiday life to a back-to-school structure can feel jarring. However, when you use a daily planner to organise routines, activities and home organisation systems, every family member can feel better equipped for the upcoming changes.

Whether you stick it to the fridge or in the living room, a family planner can help provide everyone with the necessary information to set themselves up for daily success.

3. Revamp the Organisation Systems in Your Home with the Kids Going Back to School

With the kids going back to school, there will likely be a shift in the way your home organisation systems operate. To stay on top of these changes, you can reassess how you want routines like the weekly laundry, breakfast time, or general chores to adapt. Doing so will ensure that your home continues moving like normal rather than descending into back-to-school chaos.

4. Make Use of Quality Personalised Labels

With all the new school supplies, uniforms, hats, school bag and lunchboxes, your kids have a lot to keep track of. That said, you don’t want to see your brand-new purchases lost, so what better way to help see wandering items returned home than by investing in personalised name labels?

Name labels provide an extra layer of structure for children as they can feel confident in knowing which school supplies belong to them and help avoid confusion over swapped or misplaced items.

5. Know How to Organise the School Bag

The school bag is one of your child’s most essential back-to-school supplies. Finding a good quality, comfortable bag that appeals to your child is a great way to help them navigate this transition.

One of the great back-to-school tips for parents is to get into the habit of packing and checking the school bag the night before. This means you can feel confident that your child has everything they need and avoid the rush in the morning!

Be Back to School Ready with PLD

At Pretty Little Designs, we are excited to help families find all their back-to-school supplies and offer more easy and accessible tips and tricks.

To learn more about how we can support your family as the kids start going back to school, contact us today by submitting an online enquiry via our website, or come and see us in-store.



Deanna Foster